About the Folsom Bible Museum

A popular modern hymn exhorts us:

“Holy Words of our faith
Handed down to this age,
Came to us through sacrifice,
O, heed the faithful words of Christ”

But how were God’s holy words handed down to us? What sacrifices were required in order for God to keep His promise that “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of the Lord endures forever"? (Isaiah 40:8)

The one-day pop-up Folsom Bible Museum intends to answer these questions and more. Mike Wilson, author of Inspiration to Ink: The Big Picture of How We Got the Bible, will be bringing his vast collection of centuries-old Bibles and artifacts (some authentic and some facsimiles) to share with us the captivating story of how God worked through men to communicate his redemptive message to the common man. Many of the exhibits will be hands-on. There will also be a Children’s Room where the children can complete crafts and activities to reinforce to them what a precious gift God has given us in His word.

Please come join us for this special event!